-Change the lyrics of the song "tong nian" to suit your own childhood.
(how are we supposed to do that if lao shi never showed us the bloody song?)
-Zhou ji about the holidays, choose one special /interesting/meaningful day
-write your gan xiang about the 6 passages, pick 4 to do
-Read 7/11 book, get ready for the test
-use 1 sheet of drawing block
-draw one character from MOV
-note significant events in the progress of the character throughout the play
-give quotes for every significant event
-submit on 29 June
Book Review:
-choose one book from reading programme
-Introduction (synopsis) [50 words]
-Character [100 words]
~physical appearance
~how he/she strikes you as the reader
~personality traits
-Characterisation [100 words]
~how do they strike you? too flat? 2D? too perfect? too happy?
~good/bad points
~unexpected/disappointing ending
~too many twists and turns
~open/closed ending
~like/didn't like
-Online assignment (LMI)
-workbook worksheets 4.4, 4.5, 4.6
credits to lara(: